A humble idea for a solution to the health care crisis.


1. Abolish Medicaid, welfare checks and Food Stamps (don’t worry I have substitutions to these programs, but clearly they do not work)

2. Instate a child health care system, no child should have to suffer because their parents are morons, child health care would be free and all doctor visits, dental visits and vaccines must be attended if the parents wish to receive any government aid (such as a welfare check)

3. Create a government subsidized adult health insurance, make doctor (PCP) visits mandatory to receive any other aid, penalize people for abusing ERs. Focus on preventative care and education. Offer this health insurance to everyone, make a “sliding scale” type of insurance cost, according to income. This would drop the price of health care for every one. Allow private insurance for those who can pay for it.

4. Replace welfare checks with vouchers for electricity, water, phone service, and other practical bills.

5. Instate a system like WIC to replace food stamps and vouchers for HEALTHY foods only.

6. Increase education in the community

Feel free to poke holes in this.

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